One of the biggest factors in the failure of marriages, families, or organizations is poor communication. Sometimes things that should be communicated aren’t. Other times, things that shouldn’t be communicated are. Still at other times there may be an attempt at communication but what is communicated is unclear.
As we had our church-wide leadership meeting back in May, one of the things our leaders identified that can help our ministries not only accomplish great things, but accomplish even greater things as we work together, is increased specific communication. We have a been given a great blessing in Bethany Leszczewski, our communications director. She faithfully communicates upcoming activities and events in the life of our church. Our desire for increased specific communication is a desire for our ministry leaders to communicate not only the “What” of the activities that are taking place, but also the “Why” behind what we are trying to accomplish.
In an effort to meet that need, we are resurrecting this blog section of our church website. You will receive weekly posts that will come from one of our various ministry areas – worship, students, children, discipleship, evangelism/outreach, etc. Some of these will be equipping-type posts that will help you to grow personally. Others will be designed to help you connect-the-dots to see how our various ministries are working together. Additionally, we will be sharing a monthly audio podcast that will look back at what God has done over the previous month and look ahead to what we are asking Him to do in the weeks that will follow.
Our ask of you is simply this, take advantage of this increased communication avenue by reading/listening. This vehicle will not replace making strategic announcements on Sunday mornings. It will simply give us the opportunity to share more than our brief Sunday morning time-slot will allow. We will also commit to keeping both the blog posts and podcast episodes at a manageable length so you can easily process them.
We are excited about all that God is doing in the life and ministry of our church. We want you to know about it, be excited about it, and be an ongoing part of all He is doing here as together we seek to make and multiply disciples of Jesus who are Worshipping God, Connecting with others, and Reaching our neighbors and the nations with the Gospel.
Author: Lead Pastor Randy Mann