Media Policy

Media images and recordings bring life to and help tell the story of Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church's vibrant community, enhance the quality of the information we provide to our members, and give visitors an idea of what to expect when they attend our church. We would like to share media items recorded at our various ministry activities, events, and programs in church-produced materials, including, but not limited to, bulletins, posters, brochures, newsletters and other printed materials, and on the church website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account.
Adult participation in church activities implies permission for publication of any media, unless consent is revoked through the photo consent form. However, photos of minor children will not be used in any publicity unless permission has been granted through the Photo Consent Form. The only exception to this is if a minor is on stage during a livestreamed event, they will be apart of our livestream on Facebook and our church website. Allowing children onstage during an event implies permission for publication in the event recording.

While we reserve the right to photograph and record church events, in an effort to respect your privacy, we will strive to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No identifying information will accompany photos, including names, addresses, email addresses, family members’ names, or schools.
  • Anyone may request a particular media item which prominently features them or their minor children be removed from use by submitting a request to the church office.
  • If you submit images to be used by Wake Cross Roads you are giving the church the right to use the photos. These images must not contain any copyrighted material without permission.